Food Insecurity | A household-level economic and social condition of limited or uncertain access to adequate food. It is when people do not have enough food to eat and do not know where their next meal will come from. |
Overall Food Insecurity Rate | Percentage of the entire population that experience food insecurity, lacking consistent access to enough food for an active, healthy life. Indicates the general prevalence of food access issues in an area. |
# of Food Insecure Children | Estimated number of children under 18 who live in households experiencing food insecurity, lacking consistent access to enough food for an active, healthy life. |
# of Food Insecure Persons | Estimated number of individuals of all ages experiencing food insecurity, lacking consistent access to enough food for an active, healthy life. |
Child Food Insecurity Rate | Percentage of children under 18 years old living in households experiencing food insecurity, lacking consistent access to enough food for an active, healthy life. Indicates the prevalence of food insecurity specifically affecting children in a given area. |
ADP | Average Daily Participation / the number of students who participate each day in school meals on average. |
FRP | Free and Reduced Price / meals served through the National School Lunch Program at no-cost, or low-cost, to children enrolled in school. |
NSLP | National School Lunch Program / a federally assisted meal program that provides lunch to children in schools and residential child care institutions. NSLP serves nutritious, low-cost or free lunches to students in public and non-profit private schools. |
ADP Breakfast (2019-2021) | Average Daily Participation in Breakfast / the number of students participating in Breakfast each day. Note: due to complexities in allowances and reporting differences due to the COVID-19 pandemic, School Meals Data for 2019-2021 differ from other years. |
ADP FRP Breakfast | Average Daily Participation in Free and Reduced Priced Breakfast / the number of students participating in Free and Reduced Price Breakfast each day. |
ADP FRP Lunch | Average Daily Participation in Free and Reduced Priced Lunch / the number of students participating in Free and Reduced Price Lunch each day. |
ADP FRP NSLP Snack | Average Daily Participation in Free and Reduced Priced National School Lunch Program Snack/ the number of students participating in Free and Reduced Price National School Lunch Program Snack each day. |
ADP Lunch (2019-2021) | Average Daily Participation in Lunch / the number of students participating in Lunch each day. Note: due to complexities in allowances and reporting differences due to the COVID-19 pandemic, School Meals Data for 2019-2021 differ from other years. |
ADP Snack (2019-2021) | Average Daily Participation in Snack / the number of students participating in Snack each day. Note: due to complexities in allowances and reporting differences due to the COVID-19 pandemic, School Meals Data for 2019-2021 differ from other years. |
ADP Total Breakfast | Average Daily Participation for Breakfast / the number of students participating in Breakfast each day. |
ADP Total Lunch | Average Daily Participation for Lunch / the number of students participating in Lunch each day. |
ADP Total NSLP Snack | Average Daily Participation for National School Lunch Program Snack. |
Breakfast to Lunch Participation Ratio | Participation in School Breakfast Program per 100 participants in the National School Lunch Program. |
Breakfast to Lunch Participation Ratio (2019-2021) | Participation in School Breakfast Program per 100 participants in the National School Lunch Program. Note: due to complexities in allowances and reporting differences due to the COVID-19 pandemic, School Meals Data for 2019-2021 differ from other years. |
FRP Breakfast Eligible but Not Participating | Number of students eligible for Free and Reduced Priced school meals who are NOT participating in Breakfast. |
FRP Breakfast to Lunch Participation Ratio | Participation in Free and Reduced Price Breakfast per 100 participants in Free and Reduced Price Lunch. |
FRP Lunch Eligible but Not Participating | Number of students eligible for Free and Reduced Price school meals who are NOT participating in Lunch. |
FRP Meals Eligibility | Number of students that are eligible for Free and Reduced Price school meals. |
FRP NSLP Snack Eligible but Not Participating | Number of students eligible for Free and Reduced Price school meals who are NOT participating in National School Lunch Program Snack. |
% FRP Breakfast Eligible but Not Participating | Percent of students eligible for Free and Reduced Price school meals who are NOT participating in Breakfast. |
% FRP Breakfast Served | Percent of all Breakfasts that are served Free and Reduced Price. |
% FRP Lunch Eligible but Not Participating | Percent of students eligible for Free and Reduced Price school meals who are NOT participating in Lunch. |
% FRP Lunch Served | Percent of all Lunches that are served Free and Reduced Price. |
% FRP Meals Eligible | Percent of all students who are eligible for Free and Reduced Price school meals. |
% FRP NSLP Snack Eligible but Not Participating | Percent of students eligible for Free and Reduced Price school meals who are NOT participating in National School Lunch Program Snack. |
% FRP NSLP Snacks Served | Percent of all National School Lunch Program Snacks that are served Free and Reduced Price. |
Potential Additional Daily $$ for 100% Participation in FRP Breakfast | The amount of additional money potentially available for daily reimbursement if the remaining students who are eligible for Free and Reduced Price school meals participate in Breakfast, reaching 100% participation. |
Potential Additional Daily $$$ for 100% Participation in FRP Lunch | The amount of additional money potentially available for daily reimbursement if the remaining students who are eligible for Free and Reduced Price school meals participate in Lunch, reaching 100% participation. |
Total Enrollment | Number of students enrolled. |